Monday, January 12, 2015

Air show this weekend! Loved it--girls were not the greatest fans but liked the bungee thing- they used their own money for:). Nathan was sick:((. I survived my talk thanks to many prayers. First time in Relief Society was great- thanks to Sister Nielsens amazing lesson on teachings of Ezra Taft Benson-putting the Lord first above all else. Pfister's through an amazing  dinner party for me yesterday! 2 Sunday's in a row of no cooking! Who hoo and Paula made Carmelita's! Yum! A friend from our ward in Kona passed away-- Sandy Feduik. She was a mother of 3 beautiful children, aunt to many nieces and nephews, sister to one of our favorite families there, daughter and friend. It's heart breaking to see all the people who will miss her so. I am reminded again that life is short and the Lord has a plan. I like the poem by president Hinckley,
What is this thing that men call death, this quiet passing in the night,
it's not the end but genesis, of better worlds and greater light. 
O God, touch Thou my aching heart 
And calm my troubled, haunting fears.
Let hope and Faith, transcendent, pure,
Give strength and peace beyond my tears. 
There is no death, but only change,
With recompense for vic'try won.
The gift of Him who loved all men,
The Son of God, the Holy One. 


brookeisacrazylady said...

oh those pictures are great. glad you got to go to the air show. so sad about your friend, that is such a touching poem. your girls are beautiful.

Nancy Jo said...

Sorry about Sandy. Loved that poem. Beautiful pictures of your family and girls! Hope you had a wonderful birthday!