Friday, May 29, 2009

New pink glasses coming soon!

I took Dallas to the opthamologist at Children's Hospital this week (see her left eye turning in) and it turns out she needs glasses. She has strabismus and amblyopia (her eyes aren't aligned properly with each other). I never would have known it b/c she always seems to see things fine on a page. But from far away she actually has really poor vision. She also gets to wear a patch 5 hours a day on her better eye to make the other one stronger. Now that I go back and look at pictures it seems so obvious that one eye turned in.


Brandon Walter Evans said...

poor D. she looks so cute and older with her glasses though!

Nancy Jo said...

Dallas looks so cute in her glasses! Can she get a waterproof patch to wear swimming?

Lindsey said...

I don't think they have waterproof ones. But she could always wear it later in the day after swimming or something.

christy said...

Aiden had to do that when he was little. He hated to wear the patch but he was too young to understand what we were doing to him. He ended up needing surgery anyway and it fixed the problem so I was glad no more glasses and patching. But you remind me it's time to schedule a check up for all of us! I hope it corrects the problem. She looks so cute either way.

teresa p said...

My cousin had the same problem. I remember him wearing a patch for most of his childhood. Hopefully Dallas doesn't have to wear it for that long. I've never noticed her eye turning in, either. Let me know the next time you guys are coming out and I'll make sure to wear my glasses too (although they're not as pretty pink as Dallas's).

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got it figured out Linds...maybe I should listen to my doctor and take Wade now so he can strengthen his little eye. It does the same thing in pictures. I can't wait to see her pink glasses. What a pretty girl.


Taryn Torres said...

She looks so cute with glasses! Hope you guys are doing great, can't wait to see you sometime!

kasie said...

She looks so cute! and atleast she sounded somewhat excited when i was talking to her!

Courtney said...

Carl now wants me to take Emma Jane to the doctor b/c she has a really bad lazy eye. Maybe Emma Jane and Dallas can be glasses buddies. We are so excited to see Dallas in her cute new pink glasses!