Monday, April 20, 2009

Just the right medicine...

Last night Dallas got the stomach flu and has been sick still today. I thought she was feeling better so we took a drive just to get out since it is 90 degrees here and our AC is broken. She then got sick in the car all over her clothes--red jello everywhere. But after a shower, because she loves showers now instead of baths and painting nails with stickers too that Nana gave her, she is feeling a bit better. Thanks Nana for the stickers. I know you gave them to us awhile back, but I saved them. That special surprise today made all the difference!


Courtney said...

So cute. I am so sorry Lindsey. That always stinks when kids are sick. You should try some of that stain remover Carl's mom makes. It got out Cool Aid when Emma Jane got sick. Anyway, tell Dallas we love her. Sorry.

brookeisacrazylady said...

that sounds terrible. poor thing.

probably someone from church gave it to her?

Natalie Hall said...

poor Dallas! Sick kids is the worst, you feel like theres nothing you can do. She is such a doll even when shes sick. I love the Easter pics, such a beautiful family you have my dear.

the waites said...

oops that was me not my sister