Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It has come to this....

So after breaking 2 cameras within the last year, Nathan found the perfect camera for me! I was so excited. This baby is waterproof to 33 feet, freezeproof, can withstand 220 p0unds of pressure, dust, dirt proof, and shockproof up to 6.6 pounds. So basically this camera can withstand the tossing of a 3 year old, milk spilling in a diaperbag, sand at the beach, crumbs from my purse and anything else we might come across. I am so excited to test it out. 


Anonymous said...

how much is it? it sounds great! I just got a new one - a sony and really like it. It was about half the price of the canon's I have bought... xoxomom

brookeisacrazylady said...

please tell me what kind, where to buy it and how much it costs.


christy said...

my first digital camera was an hp and it broke but i have two cannon's that i've managed to keep in tact. sounds good though. i bought some waterproof disposable cameras for snorkeling in hawaii and the pictures do not turn out well especially not compared to my canon rebel.
if you buy this camera, let us know how well it works.

ETCK said...

Wow! That is quite the camera. Perfect for you mom's!

Ashlee said...

Greg is always lecturing me about how I don't take care of our camera. Maybe if I had this camera I wouldn't get in trouble quite as much :)
I haven't seen or talked to you in a while because I keep going out of town on the weekends. Hope everything is going great with you and the Pfister family!

Courtney said...

They should market that camera for mom's. The commercial should show a two year old throwing the camera in the toilet, a cup of milk spilling on it while it is sitting on the kitchen table, and a four year old dropping it while trying to take a picture. I think every mom should have one.