Monday, December 10, 2012

Dallas's Baptism

I think I felt pure joy at Dallas's baptism. I was so happy for her and proud of her. I rejoiced in her growing testimony and faith. She said, " I am so glad I did that!" She was the most happy I have ever seen her. She looked beautiful and poised.  I was grateful for Nathan. I am grateful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I am so grateful for Jesus Christ and the atonement, that will allow us to be resurrected with our loved ones someday. I am grateful for the opportunity we all have to be baptized into the Lord's church! 
I appreciated everyone who came to the baptism. We had a great turnout.  The kids sang, "When I am Baptized" and Grandpa got called up to give his testimony which was really special. 


Unknown said...

She looked SO pretty! Glad it was such a great day! :)

Brandon Walter Evans said...

so cute Dallas with her dress and all the kids !

Amber said...

Congrats! She is so beautiful. And I love her dress.

Max + Lula said...

Congratulations Dallas!