Thursday, June 3, 2010

Here are some sick kiddos on the way home from Costco. Actually this was before D got sick.

This was another piece they did called "Mozart Serenade"


Brandon Walter Evans said...

aww such cute girls. sorry they aren't feeling good. sadie seems so funny. i guess all your girls are pretty funny. what?! when did D become a violinist? wow, so impressive, i was expecting just like one note over and over, maybe two notes, and she was going to town, looked just like the older ones, wow. that was cool, thanks always for the pics, hope the kids get better, am praying for them, will try to remember more. xoxobro

Brandon Walter Evans said...

sooo cute, that video is awesome.

Brandon Walter Evans said...

i am like your girls are going to be such knockouts when they get older. all around awesome. that will be fun and you will all babysit their kids. too fun.

Brandon Walter Evans said...

i'm like maybe that is a good reason ya'll are on the west coast, better odds for your girls to get winner member husbands.

brandon said...

D looks so professional in that video, like she is going to work, and even though they are sick in the first photo, it is cute.