Aloha! Welcome to life with the Pfister's: Nathan, Lindsey, Dallas, Brenna, Sadie and Layla.
Monday, June 21, 2010
This sunset is right out the back window of our house. It has been raining every night here and we love it. We went to the beach up north with our friends this week when Nathan had off work.
Not a whole lot going on lately but lots of walks with kids after dinner. After ear infections in all 3 girls, we are healthy now! Yay. Dallas had a semi-emergency where she was playing around and her lip hit the desk and sliced it right open. We used some superglue to patch it right up:) (only a little part at the bottom would not close). Dallas also saved Sadie in the pool when she ran in while I was putting sunscreen on Brenna. We were so happy Dallas was right next to her to pull her right up. We took a little drive up the coast a few weekends ago and took a mini hike when the kids were sick. It was so nice to get out of the house and see some sun! Nathan went to a "Star Party" last weekend and is now an official member of the astronomy club here. The picture of me by the airport is an airport at the very northern tip of Hawaii. The wind blows so much up there that I don't think it is every really used. But so pretty right on the water. Nathan took all three girls out to a restaurant while I was getting my hair done. I was so impressed! The only thing was their hair was a bit crazy:). And it was nice to have Nathan and Dallas home after their little trip to CA to see Abby baptized and for Grandpa Pfister's 80th birthday. They had a blast. Dallas had a bit of an adjustment coming back because she couldn't understand why we live in Hawaii, so far away from family. That was pretty sad, so I just told her that we wouldn't be here forever.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Here are some sick kiddos on the way home from Costco. Actually this was before D got sick.
This was another piece they did called "Mozart Serenade"
Here is a clip of Dallas playing with the group of violin students that take lessons from their teacher Miss Ursela. This was their "Surprise Serenade" warmup before the recital started. She did play "Twinkle Twinkle" by herself. I played with her on the piano but it is too embarrassing to post! My music fell off the piano while I was playing:( but Dallas did fabulous!
Here are a few pictures from a birthday party of our friends kids. Shaylie--who is holding Sadie is our babysitter. She is such a neat girl. We love her!