We carved this awesome pumpkin that Nate's Dad grew in his garden! This was actually one of the smallest ones. He even carved the girl's names in one while it was growing. We are ready for Halloween.
Friday, October 26, 2007
So last weekend--Nate and I got to go out both nights!! Thanks to my Mom who was in town and watched the girls Sat night and our church babysat on Friday night. We had so much fun. I am just thinking about it since it is Friday night again. But the girls are sick anyways, so its probably good that we are staying home with them.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Here is Dallas with the CUTEST nursery leaders EVER. Dallas has been the only one in nursery since we have lived here and we are finally switching wards to be with more kids. But she has been the luckiest girl having her teachers all to herself . They have seriously loved her and taught her soo much.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Okay--so I just have to blog about Twilight!! My sis was bugging me forever to start it and once I did, I was totally obsessed with it! I definitely have to read the rest of the books now, except I think I have to wait a bit so I can pay attention to my family again:), ha ha. Or I need to speed up my reading skills!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
We had a blast tonight with Dallas's cousins over--Luke and Darby. They were so much fun. In the picts they went from couch to floor watching one of our fav movies, "Ice Age." They were cracking up at everything!!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
What little girls don't look cute in big bows!! Thank you Holli for making them for us!
Monday, October 8, 2007
This is a quote for all you Mama's or Caretakers out there. My friend Anna told me this one. It is talking about taking care of children. Feeding the hungry and clothing the naked doesn't just apply to strangers!
We do this everyday and I never thought about it like that.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Dallas tried on my old bumble bee costume. She is SO excited to be one for Halloween! Brenna was a trooper with our travels. This pict is when she was deliriously happy on the way home from the wedding reception. Daisy wanted a ride on the trailer.
I love this pict of my Mom (Nana) and Dallas. She is probably going to be embarrassed that I posted this. But it just shows how she will ALWAYS get down and play with the kids. Thanks for being a great Nana Mom!
I loved visiting my favorite people out at Flight Services at the Headland Airport. Dallas got to take a seat in my favorite plane out there. I spent many hot summer days flying around in this Cessna 150. I even got to take my family for a buzz in it. Oh, the good old flying days.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Brenna and Emma Jane as Twinners. This is us ready to go to the reception Brenna LOVES her Nana and Gpa!
We just got back today from Alabama. We had such a great time. It was so good to see the fam back there! My parents played nonstop with the girls and spoiled them, as well as me, completely! Courtney and her sweet baby Emma Jane drove down. This little cutie is always so happy and so friendly. And my bro stopped in on his way back to Augusta (coming back from an interview) which happened to be the highlight of the trip...finding out that he got into Medical School!! Congrats Brand! He definitely got the smarts in the fam. I don't know how we are related. And I was able to go to a good friends wedding -which was so gorgeous and the reason for the quick trip. Here are some picts from trip